BOSTON, May 28—Today, 70 protestors picketed at the Elks Club in West Roxbury, the site of a panel discussion called by Bostonians Against Sanctuary Cities. This racist organization formed after Trump’s election with the goal of popularizing his viciously anti-immigrant agenda.
When Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members and friends arrived, an ad hoc group of protesters from all over the Boston area were standing in a line with signs. We seized the opportunity to provide some leadership and organized a picket line. We began chants “Hitler Rose, Hitler Fell, racist hate groups go to hell” and “Stop racist deportations, working people have no nation.” We distributed a leaflet and carried signs that boldly exclaimed “No Free Speech for Racists”, and “We won’t be divided, we won’t be fooled. Racism is the boss’s tool”. Almost everyone accepted our leaflet “The main thing to do: Fight Racism.”
The panel consisted of a mother whose son was killed by an undocumented immigrant, a Bristol County sheriff who wants to use Massachusetts inmates to build the wall on the Mexican border, and a woman from the openly anti-immigrant Washington DC organization, Center for Immigrant Studies. It is an ultra-conservative group trying to get a foothold in liberal Massachusetts.
The Trump takeover is fostering more racism as well as more protest. Many protesters are new to fightback and open to rejecting the liberalism of the Democratic Party. Anti-immigrant racism has always been and is part of capitalist profiteering and exploitation of the working class. Electing a Democrat will not change that. Obama deported 3.2 million immigrants, more than any U. S. president in history. PL’ers need to go to these protests with the outlook of meeting new friends who want to help build a militant, multiracial movement against racism, and we need to bring our friends to help develop them as working class leaders. Join us!
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No Free Speech for Racists Antiracists Picket Anti-Immigrant Hate Group
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- 02 June 2017 73 hits