

06 May 2016 118 hits

To our fellow workers, comrades, friends and supporters of PLP we send militant and warm greeting from Colombia. We’re getting ready to celebrate May Day, the International Workers’ Day. This is yet another year of bearing the capitalist yoke and its nefarious consequences, aggravated by the economic crisis product of inter imperialist contradictions, and their push for maximum profits and over production, which create the threat of another world war.      
The gloomy outlook and reality that’s the life of the working class is almost the same around the world: Wage slavery, unemployment, lack of medical care, poor education, drug addiction, pollution, deforestation, fascism, sexism, individualism, racism and nationalism reinforced by religious zealotry and alienating demo-cretinism. In short: all the evils of capitalism.
For these reasons, comrades and workers of the world, we must steel ourselves against adversity: Now more than ever we need to develop PLP’s line. We must be self-critical of our work to build a stronger party both in quality and quantity. The dark night must come to an end, but we need to sharpen the class struggle, be more creative, consistent and dialectical to bring it about, and demonstrate the historical viability of a communist revolution. The imperialists and their revisionist accomplices want us to believe that revolutionary struggles are illusions, a thing of the past or obsolete and that now we must work hand in hand with our exploiter, that there is nothing better that class collaboration.        
Everything we do for the communist cause counts. In this corner of the world we are organizing and lending our support to our class brothers in their rightful struggles. We’re trying to establish new party clubs, and with our literature and revolutionary messages we participate in political meetings with workers and students. Onward, comrades of the world, for an international communist revolution we struggle to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and build a new communist society.