
Douse the Bern

23 April 2016 102 hits

NEW YORK CITY, April 17—Twice in the last three days, Progressive Labor Party has rallied under the banner “elections can’t fix capitalism, fight for communism,” once in Manhattan where the Republican candidates like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump were speaking (see page 3) and again in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park opposing Bernie Sanders.
Today, a small but integrated group of female and male PL’ers followed up a May Day planning meeting by heading out to the Sanders rally and test our Party’s line that liberal bosses are the main danger to the working class. We demonstrated around our banner on the entry route into the staging area for Sanders’s speech. Many lingered around us and took CHALLENGE, the newspaper of communist revolution.
Our statements that the Democratic Party is the party of drones, deportations and a jobless recovery earned many nods of agreement. No matter how sweet sounding, Bernie Sanders is an imperialist candidate. If elected, he will be the commander in chief of the most vicious imperialist machine in history. He is still a capitalist candidate through and through. He is a path of reform and pacification through the ballot box.
Those who support Sanders do so because they want changes for the working class. But, only a communist revolution can answer that call. People were open to the idea that Sanders is a misleader. Absent of communist politics, the masses will gravitate towards the “lesser evil.” But when communists are rooted in the masses, the working class will be armed with class-consciousness and an organization that can turn our aspirations for a better world into reality.
The best part of the day was running into a few co-workers and friends. They stoped to say hello and see us standing strong for communist revolution in the face of a festival of liberalism.