
Clinton: Next Imperialist-in-Chief?

17 June 2016 107 hits

Hillary Clinton is the presumed Democratic nominee, has won the final primary in D.C, and has been officially endorsed by Obama, signaling dominant finance capitalists’ current choice for the next imperialist-in-chief. President Obama has also made it clear to the immobilized candidate Bernie Sanders of his role to bring more young people into the electoral process and build inner party unity for coming war and fascism.
CHALLENGE has been exposing each candidate’s ruling-class ties. For the past several months, PLP has been reporting on this political circus, pointing to the question “how can the bosses fool the working class into supporting the racist, sexist, imperialist system?” The answer: preparing the working class to vote for a candidate like Hillary Clinton. There is no such thing as a good choice for the working class among these candidates—every last one of them will do everything to keep capitalism alive and well, and the workers need communism to lead a world run by and for our class.
Bern Capitalist Illusions
Sanders plays an important role of the “hopeful” candidate who could shine some light on all the oppression we feel through our daily lives. He is someone who talks about mass unemployment, someone who gives the appearance of wanting to protect the working class. He tapped into the mass disgruntlement of the working class, and leading us into the voting booths and out of the streets.  His campaign feeds workers the illusion of progress and democracy, a centuries-old myth of U.S. capitalism (see article on page 6). Without communist politics and fightback, any anti-racist, anti-sexist, egalitarian-based ideas will be funneled to sustain capitalism.
Make no mistake—Sanders bowing out of the race is not a loss for the working class. Sanders is as much of an imperialist as Obama. He backed every action Obama made during the war in Syria and Afghanistan that killed thousands, and has an even longer history of supporting U.S. imperialist wars. Thanks to Sanders, many otherwise disillusioned people are buying into reform, and eventually fascism. Sanders and Clinton strive to build all-class unity, something they desperately need to challenge arch imperialist rivals like China and Russia.
Then there is Trump—a candidate who uses workers’ anger about the lack of jobs and poor economy to win them to a dangerous and anti-working class racist, sexist line, and is a beacon for racists to rally behind. He will cause millions of other workers to vote for Clinton, to make sure Trump doesn’t win.
We’re With the Working Class
Clinton—not the most openly gutter racist but her policies have done nothing but kill, starve, imprison, and deport Black and Latin workers in the U.S. and overseas. As fear of Trump continues to build, many workers will be misled into believing that the “better” choice is warmonger Clinton. Many pledge to be “with her,” Clinton’s campaign catchphrase that aims to exploit the working class’s anti-sexist instincts.
No matter the candidate, each it selling its own brand of patriotism. Progressive Labor Party rejects this war-fervor tactic. We are not with her, or him. We are with the international working class.
But there is only one choice for the working class that will smash this exploitative capitalist system for good. Masses of workers must unite—Asian, Latin, Black, white, men, women, young, and old—to fight for a communist revolution!