
Colombia: workers battle police terror and reformist ideas

06 November 2020 123 hits

COLOMBIA, November 1—In recent days, the working class has marched and protested once again. This is in response to the racist murders of over 150 social leaders this year and the recurrent police terror. While the rulers offer our class identity politics, we need nothing short of workers’ power.
Militant fighters and friends of Progressive Labor Party (PLP) participated to win workers to reject these bosses' attacks and the entire capitalist system. We distributed  more than 300 copies of our party newspaper, DESAFIO,  and organized with them to build ongoing struggles, strengthening our identity as workers and as an international revolutionary class.
In recent months, there have been 66 massacres, which led to demonstrations against the police. This response has left 15 dead and 300 injured,  100 of which were police. The mass injuries are a result of police shootings against the protesters whose only weapons are stones, sticks and banners.
As the working class takes to the streets to defend ourselves, the ruling mafias and the ruling class continue to divert more economic resources towards beefing up and arming their fascist police forces. They have also added 2,000 more to their task forces to oppress the new protests.
Limits of the reform struggle
This mass struggle is led by strike committees, women's groups, indigenous movements, peasant cooperatives, worker unions, student and artist associations, sports clubs, supportive neighbors, and political parties. The workers continue to fight in the reform struggles to demand that the bosses address their most immediate demands and the most basic of human needs. What we need is a united working-class movement under a communist leadership.
The current government of President Ivan Duqueand the fake leftists want to silence the growing workers’ struggle using national identity politics. In this way, they take advantage of the divisions between the workers, calling on us to join them in defending the bosses’ democracy. Furthermore, they want us to blame the protesters and characterize them as “destabilizing forces, guerrilla infiltrators and misfit bandits” who must be defeated with jails and bullets.
This is why we fight
The current climate is dark for our class. Under the yoke of the capitalist dictatorship, we will always receive repression and death. But our potential to build our Party and  put an end to exploitation with the demolition of capitalism and build the dictatorship of the proletariat under the ideas of PLP and its communist line is strong.
That is why in Haiti, Mexico, India, the United States, Colombia and in other areas around  the world , our Party fights  to build a  communist mass movement. We cannot rely on reforms or spontaneous uprisings alone.
That is why we must continue to work in many organizations, winning workers to break with the rotten leadership of reformists, liberals, warmongers, racists, sexists, and nationalists.
That is why, everything you do counts. Fight for communism. Join PLP.