

30 April 2021 136 hits

Greetings to the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) May Day marchers in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and around the world; greetings to the international working class:
Today, in Haiti and around the world, imperialism’s relentless march for profits and power is worsening the living conditions of our class. The coronavirus pandemic is only one of the horrors that show how the racist and sexist inequalities of capitalism increase our suffering and make the precariousness of our lives even more glaring. In fact, in addition to the restrictive laws which reinforce authoritarian and so-called democratic regimes alike, the working masses have seen their purchasing power considerably decrease and a large majority of them sink into unprecedented unemployment and misery. All the while, the bourgeoisie keeps accumulating wealth, stolen from our labor and dreams of schemes for world war—where we workers are supposed to fight and die—to enrich themselves further with the spoils.
Kidnappings, gangsterism, unemployment, homelessness, the almost complete absence of medical care, repression of trade unionists and activists, massacres in working-class neighborhoods, expropriation of peasants in favor of large multinationals are the main daily challenges facing workers in Haiti. The far-right government imposed by the U.S. imperialists, through the UN, the OAS and their embassies, continues to destroy the rare social gains obtained by workers in Haiti at the end of the 20th century. Workers and students in Haiti are fighting back, but we need to know we are not alone! We need the resolute leadership of a revolutionary communist party with deep ties inside our class.
Comrades, workers all over the world are all experiencing similar difficulties. But, in Haiti as elsewhere, PLP must continue to organize workers, students and soldiers with a view to building a true international mass Party, capable of leading the class-struggle that will destroy capitalism and put an end to all its inequalities. Only then, under the leadership of our revolutionary communist party, will workers be able to liberate ourselves: we will abolish racism and sexism, we will abolish wages, and work according to need and commitment. We will build a society that serves the interests of the working class. .
Communist comrades of PLP: Our challenge is great but not impossible. The struggle for communism is at a crossroads. The fight against capitalism/imperialism is a fight to the death. Let’s choose to fight back—and win. We are committed to that fight. The struggle is for liberation of our class, for well-being, for life. Let us join forces and engage in the fight!
Long live communism! Long live the PLP!