PAKISTAN—Unlike past years, this year’s May Day was a less than jubilant celebration. This was because of a lockdown due to a third wave of Covid-19. Yet, Progressive Labor Party continues to call for fightback and communism.
Progressive Labor Party participated in seminars held under strict guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease. The ruling class failed to do mass testing, and is not making any arrangements to import vaccines. Instead, Pakistan's bosses are spending countless money on their luxurious lifestyle and security but not on vaccines. The government is still begging the World Health Organization aof storage capacity and proper logistics, it is rumored that some vaccines are doomed to spoil. Poor working class people are dying because of lack of vaccination and testing, but the bosses are too busy updating the Exit Control List.
Working class people are dying because of the high infection rate. Meanwhile the bosses are fooling workers with lollipop election reforms. As workers die due to lack of oxygen tanks, ventilators, and vaccines, ruling elites babble endlessly about the advantages of electronic voting. What’s worse, bosses are crying about not being able to afford the vaccine, while spending money on importing electronic voting machines. Workers are still in search of vacant hospital beds, but the government is talking about the corruption of past ruling parties to divert working-class people’s attention from real issues. Covid-19 tests are scarce; the infection rate is high, with some areas reaching 50 percent.
Masses of workers and PL’ers are fighting to increase the minimum wage during this escalating inflation. Growing prices of basic commodities are making the life of workers miserable. Every day we read news about workers who are forced to suicide because they have nothing to eat. Comrades also condemned the role of the International Monetary Fund and other monetary institutions for instructing the government to take steps according to the will of the international capitalist class.
Comrades emphasized that a ban on trade unions is a trick of bosses to make a huge profit by robustly exploiting the workers. The politicians are there to solve the problems of the working class, but they are just planning to make more and more profits for the bosses. The ruling class is getting richer but workers have little to feed themselves and their children.
Comrades are confident fighting against inequality, injustice, poverty, illiteracy, fundamentalism and nationalism under the red banner of the international communist Progressive Labor Party. Long live Communism!
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Pakistan May Day: fighting horrendous capitalist conditions
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- 29 May 2021 141 hits