
Support the Rodwell and Spivey Families: Smash racist police terror

10 June 2021 142 hits

Newark, NJ, June 8—“That’s why [the youth] lost hope in this system, even the adults lost hope. That’s why they don’t come out to vote,” shouted one of the family members outside the 5th precinct in response to recent police attacks on her family. Despite attempts at intimidation from the police and Mayor Baraka, the Rodwell and Spivey families pushed forward with the protest to let the city know that Black workers are fed up with the constant police harassment. Progressive Labor Party (PLP) stands with these families as they fight to free their family members from prison. As “radical” mayors try to silence these fighting voices, we know that these families are the future leaders in creating a communist world.
Gang and state violence = Both products of capitalism
In a neighborhood that has seen shootings amongst the working class, city and police officials have used this to justify their terroristic attacks. On Tuesday, June 1st, one of the young men in the area was outside his house when plainclothes cops ran up on him and asked him if he had a gun. His family members, worrying that something was happening, came out to support him. As more cops came, the young men were thrown to the ground and arrested.
The media and police were quick to spin the story, blaming the incident on these young workers minding their own business. Chief Racist James Stewart, Fraternal Order of Police President, played his role in creating fear by claiming that a “mob” attacked the police (, 6/2). As usual there was no gun found, but that didn’t stop the harassment. A day later the police invaded the home of the family looking for something to justify their attacks. Mayor Baraka, supporting the cops, ordered a mobile police precinct set up on the block so an “increased police presence can be felt around the clock” (, 6/4). Residents coming in and out of the block had to show ID while helicopters flew above.
This neighborhood is just one example of the need for communist revolution. As unemployment, poverty, and failing schools continue to make workers quick to turn on each other, we call on all youth and workers to turn their anger away from their class and against a system that will never serve them. These are the anti-working class ideas that destroy our class power. The bosses and their politicians will never provide real solutions for working class power, but these workers have the potential to turn their counter-revolutionary actions into real revolutionary change with a communist analysis.
Baraka: Model mayor for Big Fascists
Baraka has started to present himself as the model mayor for the Big Fascists (see Glossary, p. 6). A recent ABC News article cites Newark as an example for police reform nationwide ( After the incident Baraka attacked the openly racist Stewart, “The false narrative put forth feeds the old and archaic thinking that police are an occupying force, always in danger from a hostile community, rather than goodwill guardians of a community that has a growing respect and cooperation with one another,” said Baraka in a statement Thursday morning. “That is what we are building in Newark, truth be told (, 6/3).” The truth is that the police are not the “goodwill guardians of the community.” Baraka has also been silent on the ensuing attacks after the incident and has not reached out to the family, instead working closely with the 5th precinct to further the terror.
While this is happening, Baraka has been pushing his “Civilian Review Board.” This is the same as the National Labor Relations Board that was established by the government after militant working class struggles in the early 20th century. These boards are used to kill any working class struggle and have workers sit idly by while these capitalist institutions “provide justice.” But we know the only way for real justice is an end to the capitalist system that relies on police terror to keep workers in their place.
Black workers lead the way
The rally confirms our line that Black workers are key to communist revolution. Last year the Newark Water Coalition tried to hold a rally in front of the 5th precinct. The Baraka administration, led by Mayor Baraka’s brother and Chief of Staff, Middy Baraka, was able to organize Black workers to support the cops and smash the rally. They were able to do it because the rally did not include any youth or workers from the community. This time around Middy Baraka was there, but because of the militancy of the families he was forced to stand there and watch as the families recounted the incident and called for more fight back.
From Newark to Palestine: fight back against racist police terror
At the rally another organizer made comparisons to workers in Palestine. “If you look at those [police] videos it looks like we are in Palestine.” A follow-up podcast discussing this matter also discussed the similarities between the forced evictions in Israel and the forced gentrification in U.S. cities. As workers across the world fight back, from Colombia to Gaza to the U.S., making these connections is essential in building a revolutionary international working class. The bosses will always try to keep us from making these connections. The PLP will continue to fight to smash borders and see how all of these struggles are connected as we move forward in building one international communist party that will smash this system once and for all.