
Colombia: divide and conquer

26 June 2021 142 hits

It’s already been a month since the workers’ blockades and marches here in Colombia. The national bosses have offered both the carrot and stick. They have managed to weaken the strike committees with the same strategy they used in 2019, buying time by offering negotiations but never really complying with workers’ demands.
Meanwhile, Colombia’s bosses have unleashed their war tactics: militarizing the country, criminalizing the blockades, infiltrating the marches, creating paramilitary groups that together with the military indiscriminately shoot at the marchers, robbing, destroying, and detaining hundreds of young people who appear in the Cauca River after they were reported as missing.
The defense minister faced charges in the national senate, but predictably he was acquitted. The Colombian bosses long resisted any visit of a human rights commission. The government of Big Fascist U.S. President Joe Biden, supports the Duque government as its most important ally in the region.
The government finally accepted the visit of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), who only served to minimize and justify the state violence. The result is a project for the restructuring of the police, job creation, education, health, and projects for young people. All this to try to calm things down.
The strike committee broke negotiations with the government, as a tactic to coincide with the arrival of the IACHR. We the workers again march in Bogotá, to put pressure on where the bosses are meeting.
But no international organization will ever turn against the capitalist class. It is only a distraction that will give the fascists in power time to justify their actions and prepare to attack our class again. Only the united working class empowered by the method of scientific analysis (dialectical materialism) can draw the best conclusions to act according to reality, being led by a mass Progressive Labor Party that interprets the needs and will of the masses.