
Detroit workers defy Trump and ICE

28 February 2025 194 hits

Today, thirteen workers attended our Progressive Labor Party (PLP) study group, including those who came with us to Springfield, OH, where Trump and Vance launched a racist attack against Haitian workers. There was a lively discussion on the theme, “an attack on any group of workers is an attack on all workers,” with many good questions and comments, as well as a delicious meal that was a collective effort in the communist spirit. 

The meeting doubled as a fundraiser for a project to house immigrant families and a larger event coming next month. The main speaker was a recently retired Black Ford worker who we met on the picket lines during the 2023 UAW strike. He is also the pastor of a small congregation, and his church housed a family from Central America for nine months last year. Now, in the face of increased racist terror and ICE raids, he is getting ready to house more families and he can use our help. We are raising funds. He spoke about the necessity to support and build bridges to all working people who are under attack by any oppressive government, especially migrant workers attempting to stay safe from Trump’s racist attacks. Detroit’s Mayor Duggan has said he will cooperate with ICE, but the scapegoating of immigrant workers will not relieve the suffering of

Black workers and youth whether on the assembly line, the unemployment line, or trapped in these crumbling schools. 
A PLP comrade also spoke, saying that yes, building these bridges is essential, and that it is our job to ensure that these bridges put us on the road to communist revolution so we can put an end to this sick racist system. Today was a good starting point for the larger event we are planning in March, which can involve more members of the church and some Ford workers. We are fighting to expand the base for PLP and looking forward to May Day.