
“We’re sick of them treating us like scum!”

18 June 2014 115 hits

SAN FRANCISCO, June 7 — “We’re sick of them treating us like scum!”  That’s how one bus operator explained the massive three-day sick-out at the MTA (mass transit) that kept two-thirds of city buses parked in the garage.  On June 2, MUNI bus operators, members of TWU Local 250-A, showed tremendous unity and their potential power.  This was the biggest service disruption since the strike in 1976.  
Another operator reported that one of the bosses’ negotiating team “threw the union proposals in the garbage can.”  Another said, “They are trying to do away with pensions...”  Once the job action started it spread like wildfire.  As another operator pointed out, “Racial or ethnic divisions don’t work. We are all brown.” [referring to the brown MUNI uniform] A sick-out of 70% only happens when everyone participates.”
The job action followed a 96% rejection of the SFMTA’s rotten, take-away contract offer on May 30; 1028-“NO” to 47-“YES.”  The bosses are trying to cut wages, make us pay more for a shrinking pension, and want to speed up full-time operators and the growing part-time labor force.  They also want racist cuts in off-peak and community service to transit isolated neighborhoods. The MTA temporarily backed off demanding mandatory arbitration and agreed to restart mediation with the union.
Fear turned to anger as operators took matters into their own hands.  PLP has a long fighting history in this vital workforce. A new generation of operators may be picking up the torch as MUNI workers are standing up to a sickening contract and rejecting powerless negotiations.  We have confidence that the working class can and will fight back. It is our job to make sure that when they do, that more of them choose the road to communist revolution.