
Mexico: Thousands Rebel vs. Murderous Ruling Class

13 November 2014 119 hits

MEXICO CITY, November 12 — The disappearance and murder of dozens of students in Ayotzinapa and the execution of 22 students by a military commander in Tlatlaya, in the state of Mexico, demonstrates once again, the murderous nature of the capitalists who control Mexico. The statewide genocide, (more than 120,000 murders and thousands gone missing) inheritance of Calderonism continues to increase with Peña Nieto whose imperialist funders have named him the state’s  man-of-the-year.
Tens of thousands of students in Mexico City hit the streets calling for a national strike  against the terrorism taking place in the state. Today millions believe that the government must go. But they will not leave voluntarily nor passively, we need revolution to get rid of the entire ruling capitalist class, their thugs, its profit system, its markets and all of its institutions.
Mainstream media has claimed that the UN Security Council was notified of the persecution, murder and forced disappearance of the students in Iguala, Guerrero, at the time it was occurring. Similarly, the surviving students of this massacre have written detailed accounts of the genocide perpetrated by the police, in the presence of PGR (office of the attorney general) officials and the CISEN (Center of Investigation and National Security), just like the involvement of military officials about five minutes from where these events were taking place.
It’s wasn’t just the out-of-control outside groups under orders of a trivial mayor, that the capitalist mainstream media wants the public to believe. The genocide and terror spread by the repressive forces of the state, and the strategies adopted by the ruling capitalist and their imperialist supporters, to contain the discontent of millions of unemployed and poor workers, and the millions of youth without the opportunity of ever obtaining a respectable job.
The mass murders and terror implanted during these past decades respond to the needs of the ruling class to impose low wages and to strip the working class of basic services such as education, healthcare, housing, jobs, and for the exploitation of natural resources like gas, petroleum and minerals. The daily murders relate to the concentration of wealth by the ruling class netting them riches though murdering and impoverishment of millions of workers and their families.
With terror embedded in the entire country, the capitalists intend to stop the rising struggles of the working class, setting an example in sectors like those like in Ayotzinapa, which has been the vanguard of the anti-capitalist struggle for decades.
The use of terror, paramilitary, squadrons of death and hired assassins, shows the political weakness of the capitalists to govern. More often we are seeing large sectors not trusting the electoral politics and capitalist democracy, which have proven to be useless to solve the basic needs of the working class. Just like an Ayotzinapa student said, “they have taken everything, EVEN OUR FEAR,” and that’s what they are really afraid of.
We needs communist revolution that guarantees the end and not the return of capitalism, a communist society led by and for the workers, based on the equal distribution of wealth that is produced by the working class. Let’s make the capitalists shake in fear at the sight of a working-class movement. No more genocide, no more capitalism!