
No Justice Under Capitalism

25 November 2014 136 hits

Michael Brown. Kajieme Powell. Vonderrit Myers Jr. Shantel Davis. Kimani Gray. Roshad McIntosh. Eric Garner. Rhamarley Graham. Ezell Ford. Kyam Livingston. Reynaldo Cuevas. Tyrone West. Omar Abrego. Most recently the cops killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland and 28-year-old Akai Gurley in Brooklyn.  

The racist police murders of our black and Latin youth will continue since the grand jury failed to indict Darren Wilson, butcher of Michael Brown. It’s evident that kkkop Wilson murdered Mike. That’s how capitalist justice works! Cops and bosses can get away with murder while the working class gets terrorized, deported, disappeared, starved, and killed — all legal under capitalism.


There are many demands: indictment, community policing, civilian complaint review boards, black and Latin cops, federal investigations. That’s like asking the fox to guard the henhouse! Going through the courts is a pacification method. The ruling class owns the courts, the cops, and congress: the whole state.

Police killings will continue because it’s profitable for the bosses. These increased killings are part of rising fascism: the capitalist system in crisis. It is becoming more evident that there is no future for our youth under capitalism, that we are living in a decaying system. So the bosses terrorize the working class into accepting a future of mass unemployment and wars. Expect more racist killings. Racism is the cutting edge of capital, producing superprofits for the bosses and a divided working class.

Rebellion Now!

The working class in Ferguson has shown another path to justice: rebellion. Led mostly by youth, the rebels have shown us all what’s possible when workers fight back! It’s time to stand up to the National Guard, tanks, tear gas and riot cops again. Defy Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, who all rushed and will rush to put out the fire and keep racism going. Our class needs to follow the leadership of Ferguson and continue to fight. We call on everyone to carry on the fightback that at your schools, at work, in your churches, in your unions, and into the streets!

Capitalism is the Real Criminal

The ruling class tries to paint black, Latino and immigrant workers as criminals. In reality, it is the bosses who are the real criminals, closing hospitals and schools, as well as murdering workers and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. They got money for bombs and the military, but never for food and medicine.

Everywhere, capitalism kills: through ISIS and U.S. air strikes in the Middle East; Ebola in West Africa; the UN goons in Haiti. In Mexico, 43 students were disappeared after protesting against the state. Capitalism fails our sisters and brothers every day. What we need in response to this global crisis is a global communist revolution.

Communism Abolishes Racism

Only a communist society where the working class has state power can rid the world of racist killer kkkops. Justice is a world without bosses, profits, cops, or borders. A communist world needs the unity of the working class to succeed and will destroy the economic basis for its existence: money and profit. Workers and youth can society run by and for themselves!

The communist movement is the only way to guarantee that the bosses won’t get away with racist murder ever again. No matter how long it takes, Progressive Labor Party (PLP) will lead the working class to smash the bosses’ cops and courts and establish a communist society worthy of every worker. Join PLP and build the revolutionary communist and build an international multiracial movement to crush racism from Ferguson to Gaza to Mexico with armed revolution!