
College Conference Spurs Action in Boston

24 December 2014 107 hits

BOSTON, December 23 — The PLP college conference in November advanced the work at one college here. Several students from Roxbury Community College found it to be an “awesome experience” when they discovered that their opinions and values were shared by a diverse, sincere and interesting group of people who called themselves communists. Since then they have been meeting with the Party, getting to know each other better and learning more about capitalism, racism, fascism and communism. 
The experience they had at the bold and disciplined antiracist march and rally in East Harlem opened them to the idea of holding a rally after the Grand Jury decision in Ferguson. Even though they weren’t able to carry it out, just making the plan got them to consider what it means to be leaders of the working class. 
One student attended a recent Boston demonstration demanding justice for Eric Garner. She found it inspiring to see others fighting back against racist police terror. As part of the Pizza and Politics Steering Committee, they are planning to bring a class analysis of racism and fascism into the upcoming college discussion: “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot! I can’t Breathe! Taking a Stand Against Racial Injustice.” They are looking forward to the next opportunity to meet and rally with PLP students from around the country. Currently two of the students are meeting in a PLP study group on political economy.