
Car Wash Strikers Defy Bosses’ Scabs

15 January 2015 104 hits

Brooklyn, January 14 — Car wash workers here have been on strike for the past month shutting down the Vegas Auto Spa. The bosses re-opened with scabs recently. But the strikers are undeterred, especially since most motorists are respecting the picket line. This group of young Latin men took a decisive stand after they had enough of the conditions imposed by their racist boss, Marat Leshinsky. For years, they have labored under hazardous working conditions, receiving sub-minimum wages and expected to work long and often unpaid hours (sometimes 90 hours/week!).
These workers have organized themselves and joined a union, which this boss refuses to bargain with or recognize. The perseverance of these workers has inspired many in the surrounding community. Recently, with much support from residents and a community organization, the Washeros staged a march through the neighborhood all the way to Bay Ridge, to deliver their demands at the doorstep of the home of their greedy boss.
The strikers are well aware that this kind of exploitation of Latin immigrant workers reaps super-profits for the capitalist system. It is clearly racist, and all workers need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters who are taking the lead in fighting back.
In addition to joining their picket line, bringing hot coffee and making donations, some workers have asked that we help write and tell their story in CHALLENGE, which has been well received by the strikers. Those of us in PLP are hopeful that all workers will join the fight to ‘Smash ALL Borders’ along with this capitalist system, which utilizes racism to exploit us all.
This has been a long strike, made even more difficult for these workers and their families by the cold weather and the arrival of the holidays. They receive very modest financial support from the union. The strikers have asked us to reach out to our friends, as well as the unions and other organizations that we work in, to help build solidarity in support of the bold spirit demonstrated by these strikers.
CHALLENGE readers are encouraged to show solidarity with the striking workers. The car wash is located at 557 Seventh Avenue in Brooklyn.