
Building PLP in Colombia

29 January 2015 109 hits

Bogota, Colombia — At the end of the year we held several sport matches and social activities where we collected toys for children and money for comrades in need. More than 60 youth from different areas participated, with some giving reports of their daily lives and activities. We pointed out that we all have the same problems with poverty: racism, low salaries, sexism, fascism and all the rottenness that makes up this criminal profit system.
We’re a youth sporting group of students and workers active in the Party, who get orientation from CHALLENGE and PL comrades. With their help, we’ve structured the group to have communist ideas lead every aspect of our lives. Every May Day we demonstrate our commitment to the revolutionary cause by mobilizing youth for a spirited march on International Workers Day.
We decided to organize and provide leadership to our working class sisters and brothers to fulfill our historical mission of burying capitalism. We reject this rotten system that murders our comrade sisters and brothers. The current bosses’ system does not serve our class interest. We don’t want to continue living in this system of corrupt politicians, unemployment, enslaved labor, drug addiction, prostitution, abortions, alcoholism, and bosses’ violence.
Nor do we want jails where thousands of humble people languish, or recruitments for imperialist wars, or hunger, evictions, police repression, and sickness. In short, the capitalist system is a failure for all workers and for our youth.
We highlighted the importance of PLP in our lives and the need to get organized to follow the path of class struggles guided by our international unified party. It is very important for us to realize the potential of these comrades because it gives us hope and strength to continue fighting to take collective communist power. We are committed to building new revolutionary study and action collectives, writing and expanding our CHALLENGE networks.