
May Day: Colombia

13 May 2021 141 hits

On May Day, nearly 40 people, mostly young workers, took to the streets, making demands of the murderous state, with slogans of worker fightback. That same day, thousands of people took to the streets in different cities and towns in Colombia as a form of resistance to police brutality, censorship, and hunger.
We delivered the message that workers need a communist future,  and that revolution is the only way to combat the sexism, racism and fascism that prevails in a capitalist world. To support our message we distributed CHALLENGE  and talked with various people, known and new, about PLP’s political line and encouraged followers to join the Party.
Although the presence of ESMAD (riot police) was threatening, with several people injured and killed in different parts of the country, we boldly marched with our collectives, young and old, carrying the red flag of communism and the chanting the Party’s revolutionaryline as a friendly hand for the proletarian who walks, marches, shouts, and resists!