
May Day: Baltimore

13 May 2021 145 hits

BALTIMORE, May 1—Members and friends of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) held a virtual May Day event. It was streamed live, featuring poetry, music and short videos, along with commentary and discussion on the history of May Day, the ideas of PLP, and the importance of international working class solidarity. In addition, the program dealt with the struggle against police brutality, as killer cops continue to terrorize workers, with virtually no accountability. Yes, Derek Chauvin was found guilty for the racist murder of George Floyd. But, in the face of approximately 1,100 cop killings each and every year in the United States, there have been only seven murder convictions since 2005. That’s a murder conviction rate of about one in 2,500. The capitalist billionaires who control the government need cops to protect them and their profiteering businesses. To get rid of killer cops, the whole capitalist system has to go.
New supporters lead May Day organizing
Members of our newly formed PLP study group spearheaded our streaming May Day this year. This is a significant advance and, when they’re ready, we welcome these antiracist, anti-sexist fighters to join Progressive Labor Party and dedicate their life’s work to the achievement of a truly working class-led  world.
Streaming of Baltimore’s May Day began with a documentary video about the pre-pandemic East Coast May Day marches – organized by Progressive Labor Party in 2017, 2018 and 2019 - live, out in the streets! Those powerful marches condemned the predatory capitalist system that harms and exploits all members of the working class. Following that video, Tawanda Jones – who is the co-founder, along with other family members, of the West Wednesday Coalition – discussed the history of May Day. She described the brutal police killings of workers during May Day’s founding, and how those same tactics are used against the working class today. Capitalism will never truly hold racist killer cops accountable. The system requires violence from cops to continue its exploitative existence. We need a revolution for working class power.
Next, a new supporter of the Party performed a spoken-word poem, touching on the history of May Day, how far we have come, and how far we still have to go to eradicate this capitalist system and replace it with communism. After that, a former member of Progressive Labor Party – who remains supportive of our revolutionary work – discussed the main communist ideas that drew him to the Party when he was in high school.
May Day builds international working class solidarity
The capitalist education system strives to keep workers divided and misled against our best interests. On the contrary, PLP builds working class solidarity to combat the capitalist bosses, as they continue to exploit our labor and accumulate stolen wealth. Events like May Day are an opportunity for members of the working class to come together and celebrate our accomplishments as a collective, while not losing sight of the progress we must continue to make.
In accordance with May Day’s core principle – worldwide unity of the working class – a key presentation was about the tremendous struggle in India (see the editorial, page 2) by farmers and farm workers, who make up 50 percent of India’s population. Taking place during seven months in 2020 and 2021, their fight may have been the largest mass movement in all of human history, involving as many as 250 million people in just a single day of the nation-wide protests! As expected, in accord with profitable U.S. business investments in India – where the minimum wage is $2.42 a day – the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris administration has supported the Indian government, led by fascist Prime Minister Modi, as they slaughtered and martyred over 200 of the agricultural protestors.
We played an electrifying, local music video, entitled No Justice, No Peace. It centers around efforts to combat the capitalist injustice system and includes inspiring images of confrontation after confrontation with politicians, police chiefs, lying medical examiners, and the Baltimore state’s attorney. Then a powerful speaker, whose former husband was murdered by police, honored the father of her children, and gave compelling testimony about what we must do, to create the new world we need. Other segments of the program included a revolutionary dance performance, and a visual poem; both creative and beautiful.
Workers of the world unite! Fight for communism!